Author: Anthyesti
Freezer Box An Indispensable Part of a Funeral
In the journey of life, death is an inevitable destination that all of us must
How to Choose the Right Funeral Services?
How to Choose the Right Funeral Services? The hard reality of life is that every
Rise in the Pre-Planning of One’s Own Funeral During Pandemic Times
It is seen that pandemic has hit all the countries around the world very badly.
Get Help From Funeral Services to Bid Final Farewell
Funeral Services We all have people in our lives that we love the most. But,
The Need of Performing Pitru Paksha Puja Ritual
Hindu religions make us believe in performing various rituals to offer peace to the deceased
How is Pind Daan performed in Hindu Religion?
As per Hindu rituals, Pind Daan is a ritual done to pay homage to the
Why use the dead body freezer box?
The freezer box is made of steel metal that will help in keeping the dead
How the cremation process takes place?
Every person that comes into this world has to leave this family behind and leave
Funeral Services – Helping With Hassle-Free Last Rites Processions
The death of a loved one can cause emotional stress. People tend to feel sad
How Is Anthyesti Putting A Step Forward In These Tough Times
In merely 2 weeks, the city of dreams, ‘Mumbai’ has to deal with two funerals
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