Dead Body Transport Service In Chennai

 Anthyesti’s Dead Body Transport Service in Chennai emerges as a reliable pillar of support, offering compassionate and efficient assistance to families navigating the challenging journey of bidding farewell to a loved one. With a steadfast commitment to professionalism and sensitivity, Anthyesti takes meticulous care of every aspect of the transportation process, providing a range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs and preferences of bereaved families.

Compassionate and Comprehensive Service:

Anthyesti’s commitment to excellence is evident in its inclusive services, ensuring a seamless and dignified transportation process:

1.Direct Transportation: Seamless transport from one point to another with the utmost care and efficiency.

2. Handling Paperwork: Expert management of hospital paperwork and documentation, including necessary clearances.

3. Embalming Services: Certified professionals ensure expert embalming for the preservation of the deceased.

4.Coffins and Urns: Options for made-to-order coffins and urns, catering to individual preferences.

5. Air Cargo Services: Facilitating air transportation, with arrangements for accompanying individuals

6. Freezer Facilities: Night storage with ready ambulances featuring freezers for intercity transfers.

7. International Repatriation: Coordinating transportation to or from other countries with sensitivity and efficiency.

8. Custom Clearance Procedures: Ensuring smooth processes for receiving deceased individuals imported from other countries to Chennai.

Dead Body Transport Service In Chennai By Air and Road:

Understanding the profound challenges associated with the loss of a loved one, especially when dealing with repatriation complexities to Chennai, Anthyesti Customs and Freight provide comprehensive assistance. Services include:

  1. Ambulance Transportation: Swift transportation from hospitals or other locations to a funeral home or cemetery across Chennai.
  2. Mortuary Van Transportation: Specialized vehicles for the respectful transportation of those who have passed away at home or other locations.
  3. Hearse Van Transportation: Presuming funeral vehicles and necessary assistance for the transfer to the final resting place.
  4. Embalming and Preparation: Ensuring dignified and respectful transportation integral to the dead body transport service in Chennai.
  5. International Repatriation: Facilitating the transport of deceased persons between countries, crucial for cases involving death while traveling abroad.
  6. Air Transportation: Arranging air transportation when needed for remote locations or transport to another place of birthDead Body Transport Services In Nagpur

Immediate Steps When Someone Dies in Chennai:

In the immediate aftermath of a death, contacting Anthyesti’s Dead Body Transport Service in Chennai is crucial. The preservation of the deceased and the facilitation of safe transfer to an appropriate location are top priorities. The transportation process overview includes:

  1. Document Verification: Prompt initiation of the transportation process upon confirming the correctness of submitted documents.
  2. Body Pickup: Swift and respectful transport from the hospital or residence.
  3. Mode of Transportation: Selection of air cargo or ambulance based on specific needs.
  4. Embalming Process: Undertaking embalming to prevent decomposition and ensure preservation.
  5. Coffin Customization: Personalized coffin box modified to fit the size of the deceased.
  6. Processing Location: Flexibility in processing locations, whether in a registered room in Chennai or within an Advanced Life Ambulance.

Anthyesti remains committed to handling each step with care, professionalism, and sensitivity, providing a seamless experience during this challenging time.

Train Transfers for Dead Body Transport Service in Chennai:

Recognizing the complexity of transporting dead bodies, Anthyesti acknowledges that train transfers, especially in cities with better train access, can be suitable. The process and documentation for Dead Body Transport Services in Chennai are similar to plane transfers. Approaching the train’s cargo department assists in placing the coffin for transfer.

Understanding the toll of losing a loved one, Anthyesti ensures that grieving families are spared the ordeal of extensive documentation and processing. Well-versed in the process, Anthyesti offers the best dead body transport service. For these services, 


1: What is the typical cost of dead body transport service in Chennai?

The cost of dead body transport in Chennai varies based on factors like distance, transport mode, and additional services, with providers offering transparent pricing and detailed estimates.

2: How long does it take to arrange dead body transport in Chennai?

Arranging dead body transport in Chennai varies based on documentation, transport availability, and logistics. Service providers aim for speed while meeting regulations. 

Call us at +91-98833-18181