Dead Body Transport Service In Ghaziabad

Anthyesti’s Dead Body Transport Service in Ghaziabad provides compassionate and efficient assistance during the challenging time of losing a loved one. Committed to the highest standards of professionalism and sensitivity, we meticulously handle the entire transportation process, from initial document verification to final arrangements for a dignified resting place. Our comprehensive services encompass prompt body pickup, personalized coffin options, and expert embalming by certified professionals.

Our Inclusive Service:

  1. Direct transportation for individuals close to passing away: We offer ground transportation instead of air travel.
  2. Handling paperwork and documents related to hospitals: Our team manages necessary permissions and regulatory responsibilities.
  3. Mortuary services: Our skilled mortuary services ensure the utmost care, crucial for preserving the deceased.
  4. Customized urns and coffins: To cater to specific preferences, we provide personalized options for urns and final resting places.
  5. Air freight service: Facilitating air travel, including arrangements for companionship.
  6. Cold storage facilities: Ambulances equipped with coolers for intra-city transports are available for overnight storage.
  7. International repatriation: Coordinating the transfer of deceased individuals to or from other countries.
  8. Customs clearance procedures: Ensuring the importation of deceased individuals from different states to Ghaziabad.

During this challenging period, Anthyesti expresses empathy for the grief of families, streamlining the dead body transportation process in Ghaziabad.

Dead Body Transport Service in Ghaziabad by Air and Road:

  1. Ambulance Transportation: Swiftly transporting the deceased from hospitals or other locations to a funeral home or cemetery across Ghaziabad.
  2. Mortuary Van Transportation: Utilizing specialized vehicles for the respectful transport of those who have passed away at home or a different location.
  3. Hearse Van Transportation: Provide a hearse vehicle and necessary assistance for the transfer to the final resting place, whether a funeral or burial grounds.
  4. Embalming and Preparation: Ensuring the dignified and respectful transportation of the deceased, is integral to our dead body transport services in Ghaziabad.
  5. International Repatriation: Facilitating the transport of late individuals between countries, is crucial for cases involving death while traveling abroad.
  6. Air Transportation: Arranging air transport when needed for different locations or when transporting to another country.

To alleviate the stress of moving a departed loved one, Anthyesti Customs and Transport is dedicated to providing prompt and courteous service.

Dead Body Transport Service In Ghaziabad

Immediate Steps When Someone Dies in Ghaziabad:

Death is an event one can never fully prepare for, especially when it involves loved ones. In the immediate aftermath, ensuring the safe transfer of the deceased to a secure location is a top priority. Contacting a dead body transport service in Ghaziabad facilitates the process.

An overview of the dead body transport service in Ghaziabad’s transportation process:

  1. Document Verification: Upon confirming the correctness of the submitted documents, we promptly initiate the transportation process.
  2. Body Pickup: Immediate arrangements are made for swift and respectful transfer from the hospital or house.
  3. Mode of Transportation: Booking Air Cargo in Ghaziabad or arranging an ambulance for ground transportation is based on respective needs.
  4. Embalming Process: Our dedicated team undertakes embalming to prevent decay, ensuring preservation.
  5. Coffin Customization: A personal coffin box tailored to fit the size of the deceased, with the necessary Coffin Box Certificate.
  6. Processing Location: Flexibility in processing locations, either in a registered room in Ghaziabad or within an Advanced Life Ambulance, based on urgency and circumstances.

Train Transfers for Dead Body Transport Service in Ghaziabad:

Transporting the deceased can be challenging, and in places with good train connections, rail travel may be more sensible in some situations. The paperwork and protocols for dead body delivery services offered by Ghaziabad are similar to those used for air travel. After authorization, placing the coffin in the load area of the train and notifying the freight department helps prepare it for travel.

Understanding the heartbreaking toll that losing a loved one takes, Anthyesti ensures that bereaved families don’t have to deal with extensive paperwork. We are experienced in the process and offer an excellent dead body transfer service.


Q: Can Dead Body Transport Services accommodate international repatriation?

Yes, many service providers offer international repatriation services, ensuring the deceased is transported to their home country with dignity and respect.

Q: What support services do Dead Body Transport providers offer beyond transportation?

In addition to transportation, many providers offer support services such as mortuary facilities, embalming, and bereavement counseling to assist families during their time of need

Call us at +91-98833-18181