
Abdikam Masikam Service

End-to-End Crematorium Service Provider in Abdikam Masikam Service

Saying a final goodbye to your desist loved one is very important for you to move on in life. Some also believe that it allows the soul to find peace in the world

Abdikam Masikam Service in Varanasi

Abdikam is a type of Shradh performed around the first year death anniversary of the deceased. It is a three days ceremony concerning various rituals of Unabdikam, Samvatsaravimoka, and Abdikam and is performed under the guidance of the best Pandit for Abdikam in Varanasi. Abdikam will perform on the next day after completing Samvatsarikam.

When anyone's death happens in the home that time and date have to be noted when the pandit will come for performing the rituals, that time we have to give all this information has to be given to them. Pandith will give the exact tithi in which the death has occurred. The abdikam ritual must be performed per the tithi of the deceased person’s death timings.

Performing Abdikam in a holy place like Varanasi will get you more benefits, In addition Anthyesti will arrange the best pandits for performing Abdikam and other aparakarya rituals in Varanasi.

In fact, While Performing Aparakarya rituals one should completely perform all the sixteen Masikams with Abdikam in Varanasi the person should complete all eternal duties which should not be neglected.

Once after completing all these shraddhas, Pratisamvatsarikam should also be performed each year. In the modern world, people will not get time or they might get busy with some unavoidable work if they couldn’t perform all these shraddhas, at least three shraddhas from the day of Unabdikam to Abdikam one should perform. While performing these shraddhas he can also include all other shraddhas which he missed previously on the day of Unabdikam. Along with these shradhs, you can also perform Masikam in Varanasi.

Later When our forefathers reach pitru loka, one year in the material world is just a one day for then, Through the abdikam(First Year Death Anniversary) the family members will be offering food and water to the deceased, generally, everyone will perform abdikam only for parents, as per shastra it is necessary to perform for three generations such as Father, Grand Father, Great Grand-father. Through the Abdikam ritual, we are offering Food and water to our pitrus in pitru lokas, Finally, through the offerings our pitru devatas will get satisfied and they will bless the family members with Good health and wealth.

Abdikam Masikam

Abdikam Masikam

Shraddha is nothing but performing all the aparakarya rituals and giving offerings with complete respect and honor to our ancestors. Man has to perform these rituals like First Year Death Anniversary for their deceased parents and family members. His first duty will be to respect his deceased family members by offering pinda daan. Shradhas has performed in many ways most popular shraddhas are Sankalpika Shradam, Chatakashradham, Annashradham and Hiranyashradham so on. The shraddha is chosen to perform according to the pandit's suggestions to a particular cast and community. Masikam means Masa does refer to two pakshas, one is shukla paksha and the second one is Krishna Paksha.

In Varanasi, if you’re performing the masikam ritual 12 times it means you’re giving food and water offering to your ancestors for two hours once. According to experienced pandits, the departed soul will take more time to get rid of material world habits and hunger, so the soul will be in more hungry and thirst during the first day. If you’re not giving any offering to the departed soul in thirst and hunger they will start traveling to pitru loka. While the soul enters the pitru loka soul will be examined by the entities to check the eligibility for admitting the soul to pitru loka or not. Through the masikam, the performer’s deceased son or daughter will give the ability soul cross the entity with their love towards the person. Lastly, Through these, Shraddha’s only departed soul will get admission to the pitru loka.


TJ Mookerjee provided a testimonial for anthyesti funeral services
TJ Mookerjee Kolkata

Very good service provided by Anthyesti. Very caring and professional approach at a time when the family is distressed. They also provided contacts for services not related to their line of activities...like removal of pacemaker etc. Very satisfied with them. Specially Ashish, the Manager, has been a source of strength during our bereavement. God Bless them all.

Chirag Basu provided a testimonial for anthyesti funeral services
Chirag Basu Kolkata, India

Very professional service, with prompt and polite staff. However, I found the cost for flowers to be put on the hearse to be quite exhorbitant, and therefore arranged for that myself. Also, the calls to post review of services should ideally be made at a later time, not when the family is grieving. On the whole, a mostly satisfactory experience.

Dev Das provided a testimonial for anthyesti funeral services
Dev Das Gobindpur

Anthyesti did a wonderful job in transporting the mortal remains of my late brother-in-law from abroad to Gobindpur. We were initially expecting the body and Bhubaneswar airport but also wanted support till a remote location in Orissa and they finished the last mile without any hassles. God bless the whole team including Abhishek and the Delhi team

Mohd Shehraj Khan provided a testimonial for anthyesti funeral services
Mohd Shehraj Khan Pune

Booked for a ambulance for my beloved baby daughter last rites. Anthyesti helped me in all the end to end services including booking gate pass in crematorium and priest along with materials required for rituals. Need to really thank you guyz a lot.

Aman Tiwari provided a testimonial for anthyesti funeral services
Aman Tiwari Delhi, India

I was looking for a end to end cremation in Delhi in Punjabi ghat crematorium. Anthyesti gave us a excellent service from door step till the crematorium including priest, flower decoration, hearse van etc. Our family is very satisfied with their services

Sriram Ramadurai provided a testimonial for anthyesti funeral services
Sriram Ramadurai Pune, India

A very professional team.. all employees sensitised for proactive approach. Charges are very nominal. Services cater to all cultures, & the team demonstrates very good working knowledge of different traditions. Website very informative and easy to use & transact.

Superior Cremation Services

Our services are provided in a manner that fully satisfies the customer expectations.

Top-Notch Funeral Services

Our team is a highly qualified collection of professionals committed to provide support and compassion.

All-In-One Funeral Services

A company that offers funeral services to people of all cultures and religions when they need them.

# 737, 3rd Floor, Kheny Plaza, CMH Main Road,
Binnamangala, Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560038

+91- 98833 18181


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