Dead Body Transport By Road : 5 Essential Tips on Preparation

Road transport of a dead body is often necessary for funerals and memorial services. With proper preparation, the task of transporting dead body by road can be made easier. Here are five essential tips for preparing for a road transport of a dead body.

  • Check Documentation Requirements
  1. Burial Records

Before transporting a dead body by car, you must ensure that all necessary paperwork is in order. Each state or country may have different requirements for the transportation of a dead body, so it is important to look into local regulations and laws. Death certificates, transport permits, burial records and authorization forms are required. Drivers who transport dead bodies carry personal identification documents such as driver’s licence as a proof.

Ambulances are required in most cities to transport the dead body. Further, different countries have varying requirements for the transport of deceased persons from one country to another. Funeral homes are aware about the rules and regulations that each place follows.

2. Embalming Certificate

Documentations change with countries and places according to each places requirements for embalming. Expired passports or ID cards, copies of the death certificate, medical reports or autopsy results, embalming certificates and other forms might need to be presented. Documentations will be required, if the body is being cremated upon arrival. It is essential that all documentation is obtained and verified prior to transportation beginning.

  • Arrange Necessary Transport Equipment and Materials.

Prior to road transport of a dead body, it is essential to have all the necessary equipment and materials. These may include a body bag, an ice rest, plastic cover sheets and a hearse. It would be thoughtful enough if the accompanied would carry extra clothes incase of any body fluid leakage during transfer. Once you’ve gathered these necessities, carry out a quick inspection to make sure that everything is in good condition before you begin your journey.

Additionally, it’s important to decide if you will be using a stretcher or a cot. If you opt for a stretcher, make sure that you transport the body straight and securely so that it does not shift while in transit. For added safety and comfort, place cushions underneath the body to reduce swaying during your drive. Lastly, when driving at night, ensure that the vehicle’s headlights are visible for other drivers on the road. This will help improve the visibility of your vehicle and reduce any risks associated with transporting dead bodies.

Furthermore, it’s important to ensure that the path between your vehicle and the funeral home is safe. Additionally, consider hiring an ambulance if necessary to mitigate risks associated with transporting dead bodies on public roads. Lastly, place caution tape or barriers around the vehicle if you are parking in a public area. This will help make other drivers aware of its presence.

  • Maintain the Hygiene of the Body and Transportation Vehicle.

It is of the utmost importance to maintain the hygiene of both the body and your transportation vehicle. Prior to transportation, prepare a disinfecting solution with common household cleaners and use it to clean the hearse. Thoroughly wipe down any surfaces, such as handles, straps, latches or other components that will be coming in contact with the body or equipment. Make sure all cleaning materials are appropriate for the type of material you are cleaning. Additionally, wash up your hands and those of anyone helping with transport after contact with any part of the deceased’s body.

It is also necessary to secure the body in an approved manner. You can use webbing or straps appropriate for the weight of the body, and placed far enough apart so that it won’t slip off during transport. A casket has to be secured correctly, for the requirements. Have your assistants slowly lift the body into the hearse and securely fasten it down to avoid any shifting or movement whilst travelling on the roads. This will help prevent any shift in position or handling causing any damage, discomfort or indignity to occur to the deceased while they are transported.

Hygiene is another important factor to consider when you are transporting a deceased person by road. The cleaning of the spilled bodily fluids in the hearse needs to be done, in case the body needs to be sent away. Keep a few extra boxes of disposable gloves and face masks handy, as well as cleaning supplies such as bleach or other disinfectant agents suitable for use around bodies. Make sure that the transportation vehicle used to carry the deceased is professionally maintained; give it some extra attention so it meets all safety regulations, too.