Dead Body Transport Service In Noida

India is a country of 130 crore people and Noida is one of the major cities of the country. With such large numbers, the city sees thousands of deaths every year. With such a vast population, the city has seen over 1000 accidental deaths in the past year according to the statistics. During an unfortunate and untimely death, there are several things that anyone might think. During this tough time, Anthyesti understands the pain and mourning of the family and simplifies the process of dead body transportation in Noida. But first, let’s find the answers to some common occurring questions during the unfortunate event.

 What is the procedure to transfer a dead body by air From Noida?

There are situations when the deceased needs to be airlifted to a different city or country to his family and friends. While death in itself is a shock, finding a dead body transport service in Noida to airlift to another city can be difficult if one isn’t aware. Many brokers will approach you and ask for an outrageous amount of money which is not needed.

 But before you can transport the body, you need to get the body embalmed (the technical term for preservation) and get it packed in a coffin. You also need to present the death certificate, the embalming certificate, the local police NOC and the post mortem report to the airlines. The airlines will book the cargo based on complete documentation and will transport the body.

What to do immediately when someone dies in Noida?

Death is something one can never be prepared for. Especially when our loved ones are concerned, we tend to lose sight of our actions and act based on emotion. But, in case of death, the first concern has to be the preservation of the victim. After calming down our senses, we should ensure that the last rites of the person should be done in a clean and preserved environment. Immediately after death, one needs to contact a dead body transport service in Noida and get it in a safe place.

Dead Body Transportation by Road from Noida

Anthyesti advises people to avail of a dead body transport vehicle in Noida and uses a roadway if the distance is less than 500 Kms. Above this distance, the time of travel can increase and airlift is a better option. Noida is well connected by roads and a dead body ambulance in Noida can be used along with a freezer box to carry the body to the deceased’s home.

How do you bring a dead body on a plane from Noida?


After securing all the required documents including identification and medical certificates one can avail of a dead body transportation service in Noida like Anthyesti to take them to the airport. In a plane, dead body transfer is accomplished through air cargo and one needs to connect with the airline’s cargo department and get it transferred in a coffin. A dead body ambulance in Noida will help you transfer the body to the airport. The following step-by-step process is followed:

  1. Obtain a death certificate, and/or disposal order certificate (in case of a post mortem, if applicable) and transfer the body to a mortuary for freezing.
  2. Obtain an NOC from the local police authorities.
  3. The mortuary will then issue a packing and embalming certificate for the remains of the body.
  4. The documents are then submitted to obtain an airway bill to book the cargo and need to be done 4 hours prior to departure.

Can we take the dead body in a train from Noida?

Transporting dead bodies is a complex process and at times, cities with better access to trains are better suited for train transfers. The entire process of documentation is similar to that of a plane for train transfers as well. Once approved, one can approach the cargo department of the train which will help put the coffin in the cargo section and accomplish the transfer.

We understand the toll the death of loved one can take and thus we ensure that anyone suffering does not have to go through the ordeal of documentation and processing. Thus, we at Anthyesti are well versed with the process and offer the best dead body transport service. If you are looking for these services, get in touch with us at +91-98833-18181.